crash scene

Drink Rite

Drink Rite is a Queensland Police Service (QPS) program that creates awareness of the tragic consequences of drink driving, and promotes responsible alcohol consumption.

Drink Rite brochure

Drink Rite events

Rite events are usually held in a licensed premises, where a Queensland Police Service (QPS) officer gives an interactive presentation and you have the opportunity to drink alcohol and be breath tested by a police officer. During the event you’ll see first-hand the results of drinking on participants’ breath alcohol concentration.

Drink Rite helps people learn about the alcohol content of different drinks, what makes a standard drink, and the effect on drinkers. It demonstrates how different the effect of alcohol can be from person to person, showing that guessing your own breath alcohol concentration level is very difficult. Drink Rite provides a memorable, hands-on demonstration of why alcohol and driving don’t mix.

Hold a Drink Rite event

Drink Rite events are usually held in licensed premises, but they can also be held at other events. If you would like to hold a Drink Rite event in your community, or provide a Drink Rite demonstration as part of an event, please contact the Drink Rite Coordinator, Drug and Alcohol Coordination Unit.


Help and advice about drinking

More about Australian alcohol guidelines

Help manage your alcohol consumption


Read more about Drink Rite 

For more information about safe alcohol consumption, read our Drink Rite brochure.