Forensics - Augmented Reality Crime Scene App

app screenshot

Download the Forensics Augmented Reality App from the Google Play store*

Download the Forensics Augmented Reality App from the Apple Store*

*We are aware of the issues with downloading the app with some phones. Both Apple and Android phones are affected. We are working to upgrade the app so this error is no longer a problem

Experience a day in the life of a Scenes of Crime Officer and conduct the investigation using augmented reality!

You have entered the scene of a murder. The victim is Kendall Jane Kranky. She was stabbed in the chest with a kitchen knife.  The prime suspects are Dexter Terrestrial and Fletcher Bisepps. It is your job to use the tools at your disposal to gather evidence, compile a report, and discover who committed the murder.

Read the QPM Forensics AR user guide and print out the QPM Forensics AR Markers to play along with the app.

We really want to hear your feedback. Let us know your thoughts via the App stores or contact us directly via email .