

​​​​​​What type of information does the QPS Forensic Imaging Section release?

The Forensic Imaging Section is responsible for releasing all police photographs and offender identification photographs (mugshots), under certain conditions.

How to apply ​

If you want access to police photographs and offender identification photographs relating to yourself or a police incident in which you were involved, you can apply under the Police Administration Act.

You must:

  1. Complete the approved form accompanied by sufficient identification
  2. Provide sufficient information about the incident
  3. Specify an address so we can send you the decision. 

Please contact the QPS Forensic Imaging Section if you need to discuss your application.​

Fees and charges

There is no application fee for requesting police photographs.

Don't send payment until the request has been reviewed and you have received a written response.

Access fee

The fees and charges applicable can be found on the QPS Schedule of Fees

Form of payment

Direct debit

Time taken to process applications

You will receive a written response to your application within 30 business days of our receiving your application. Processing times are dependant on individual applications.

Reviewing a decision

If you are dissatisfied or aggrieved with our decision, you can ask the Service for an internal review of its decision by writing within 20 business days of receiving a written response.

Applications for review should be addressed as per the contact information. 

Your internal review will then be referred to a senior officer for a decision.​